IDE - C23 M.C.A. & C23 M.Sc. IT - General instructions for doing Main-Project [OFF LINE] - Review - I, Review - II, Review - III & Viva voce Date: 24.04.2025.    *** Important Instruction to the Academic Year 2024-2025 Students : Creation of ABC ID   *** Students are instructed to refer the website regularly for Examination informations and online PCP classes through the Website link: under PCP Classes, regarding online PCP schedule, Meeting ID/Links and password. No separate SMS will be sent individually for online PCP classes.***    Compulsory Internal Assignment (C23 - II SEM, A22- III SEM, C22 - IV SEM, A21 - V SEM, C21 - VI SEM) to complete the same on or before 31.01.2025   IDE - E-RECEIPT FOR TUITION / EXAMINATION FEE through Online Payment   MADRAS UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION - REGISTRATION   *** IDE - EXAMINATIONS - FINAL APPEARANCE-INSTRUCTION FOR UG / PG / PROFESSIONAL DEGREE STUDENTS [PRIOR TO CALENDAR C18 BATCH] ***   Students are advised to pay their Tuition / Exam and other fees only through online payment gateway system available in University is not responsible for any payment made through third party accounts    WEB BASED E-LEARNING - MATERIALS  

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Welcome to Institute of Distance Education

The University of Madras has developed an excellent Institute of Distance Education (IDE) in the year 1981 to help learners to achieve their educational, career and personal goals. It has completed more than 25 years of service in the field of Distance Education. Now IDE is offering 16 Undergraduate Courses, 22 Postgraduate Courses under CBCS Pattern (Approved by UGC No.F.1-6/2018(DEB-1),dated 03.10.2018), 19 Diploma Courses and 16 Certificate Courses.

Admissions are made throughout the year for all these 73 Programmes in two streams namely Academic Year Admissions and Calendar Year Admissions.